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5 Signs It's Time to Replace Your Patio Doors

Patio doors are a great addition to any home, offering a smooth connection between indoor and outdoor living areas while letting in natural light. However, like any part of your home, patio doors can wear out over time. It's important to know when it's time to replace your current patio doors for the functionality and safety of your home.

Remember to keep an eye out for these signs that indicate it might be time to replace your patio doors:

woman opening patio door

1. Opening and Closing Issues: If you're having trouble opening or closing your patio doors, it could be due to clogged or damaged door rollers. Using high-quality components in the roller tracks is essential to reducing the risk of these problems. GDHS patio doors are built with top-of-the-line hardware and rollers, ensuring smooth and effortless operation for years to come.

little boy opening door

2. Warped or Misshapen Glass: Exposure to high temperatures can cause patio door glass to warp or expand, making it difficult to open and close the doors. Once the glass becomes deformed, it's challenging to restore it to its original shape without professional assistance. In such cases, it's often more practical to replace the entire unit. GDHS patio doors use tempered glass that is resistant to warping and deformation, even in extreme temperatures.

pati door

3. Cracked or Broken Frames: The frames supporting your patio doors can develop cracks over time, compromising the structural integrity of the entire door. Sturdy and modern frame materials are designed to withstand the test of time, offering a durable alternative to traditional frame materials. GDHS patio doors are built with heavy-duty frames that are resistant to cracking and warping. They come in a variety of materials to complement your home's style.

man repairing door frame

4. Broken Locks or Handles: Malfunctioning locks or handles on your patio doors pose a serious security concern. Loose handles or faulty locks can leave your home vulnerable to intruders. Patio doors equipped with integrated multi-point locks and an anti-jacking system provide peace of mind that your home is secure. GDHS patio doors come equipped with state-of-the-art locking mechanisms that are virtually impossible to break. They also offer a variety of security features, such as anti-jacking systems and multi-point locks, to keep your home safe.

man repairing door lock

5. Cracked or Shattered Glass: Even the smallest chip in your patio door glass can pose a significant safety risk, as it may lead to the glass shattering. Addressing this issue promptly is essential for the safety of everyone in your household. GDHS patio doors are made with tempered glass that is several times stronger than regular glass and shatter-resistant, ensuring your family's safety.

man checking the cracked glass

Being aware of these potential issues and taking proactive steps to address them can ensure that your home remains a safe, secure, and inviting space for you and your family. If you're considering new patio doors, explore the range of GDHS patio doors or get in touch with professionals for more information.

Your home deserves the best, and GDHS offers quality patio door solutions that stand the test of time. Get your quote now!


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